Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Toilet Trouble

To start off I want to say how much I love my Husband. He is my "Mr. Fix It" I would have taken pictures but he would not have been too happy about it. Now on to the story!

In our house there are a few rules like any other home I am sure. The most important rule right now it "Shut the bathroom door" and I don't mean while you are using it. I mean when you are done. Why you ask. Good question. Jordan our 22 month old is fascinated by the ability to flush the toilet. If she hears that someone is in the bathroom she runs to the bathroom so she can flush the toilet for you. Well a few weeks ago Cohen came out of the bathroom claiming that the toilet was filling with water. I dropped everything I was doing to save the day. The toilet was clog but didn't over flow thankfully. I used the plunger to no avail. I went online to see what else I could do to unclog the toilet. I found a sight that said to squirt dish soap into the toilet and then from hip height pore hot water into the toilet. It didn't work! but I read latter that if you child has flushed a toy down the toilet this would not work. (although if you don't have a plunger this remedy will work) This is when I came to the realization that Jordan had flushed something. I thought to my self I have to call Lance. I was hoping that I could fix it before he got home from work. Not the case. Lance tried and tried. He tried plunging it, Snaking it, Plunging again, and then snaking again. I even bought a new plunger since ours was getting old and the rubber was cracking. after a week of trying everything that we could think of he told me to call a plumber. I called around and got estimates. The best price was $85.00 to take the toilet off and fish out what was flushed by Jordan. I called Lance to tell him the news and he said "I can do that myself and save the $85.00" I tried to talk him out of it worried he wouldn't be able to do this himself with out costing us more money. Well.... Lance got home and after the kids went to bed (so he wouldn't have and audience I am sure) he did it. I helped a little bit. This hole time I thought Jordan had flushed a small rubber duck but I was soooo wrong. To my surprise she had flushed an empty bubble bottle. You know the cheep ones you get in a 6 pack at Walmart. So now the toilet is working and the kids don't have to use the master bathroom. Now I will be putting a lock on The bathroom door so that Jordan can't get in to prevent this from happening again.

1 comment:

Sabra said...

Something similar happened here just a short while ago. Nothing would work, and then one day the toilet just magically began to work again. Just a minute after this discovery, I caught Strider feeding a bar of soap to the bowl. We now know the first problem was caused by a bar of soap that took about a week to disintegrate.