Monday, May 24, 2010

Awsome Deal

So Target send me an e-mail once a week to inform me of what is on sale for the week. I was so excited to see that an Instep Bike Trailer that was normaly $100.00 is on Sale for $84.00. I showed it to Lance and he said well if you plan on using it then get it. So Monday morning I got up fed the kids got them dressed and we headed to Target. It felt like Christmas. I bought it brought it home and put it togather in the spot. Jordan Could not waite to get in it. She ran and got her baby doll to let her ride in it. I hooked it to my bike and we were off. Kaelyn and Cohen rode their bike and scooter on the sidewalk next to me around the neighborhood. Can I just say I love it!!!! Jordan didn't want to get out. Infact I unstraped her and she hung on to the straps to so I couldn't get her out. I prommised her we would go again latter. I am so looking for ward to our next ride.

1 comment:

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

How fun!!! We ride ours all the time, as you know.