Friday, October 2, 2009

Is it over yet?

So for Family Home Evening the other night we got together with The Lerma family and watched The new Johny Lingo movie. It was a lot longer than I thought it would be but the kids liked it a lot. Kealyn noticed that a lot of the people in the movie were wearing lava lava's and she thought that was cool. When there was about 20 minutes left Kaelyn (knowing that she couldn't have dessert until the movie was over) said "Mommy is it over yet"? Before I could tell her no Cohen piped up and said "Not yet they haven't Kissed yet"! Poor boy has watched too many princesses movies. We all thought that was way to cute. We laughed and he smiled really big. He knew he had said something really clever.


David and Jana said...

cute! I love the kissing at the end! What a fun thing to notice. :) I love reading your updates! We miss you guys!

Hillary said...

That is so adorable!