Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Confrence.

As many of you know twice and year (once in April and Once in October) we as Latter Day Saints get the opportunity to listen to the leaders of our Church speak on various topics and the Prophet Thomas S. Monson ask them to speak on. We as a family got to watch and listen to all these wonderful men and women speak from the comfort of our home. I had many things that would keep the kids busy as we listened to The Conference. I try to tech my kids the names of the First Presidency and quiz them on this. When one of them gets up to speak I say "Who can tell me who the is?" Kaelyn and Cohen have been doing very well. I thought that they would have a hard time remembering Brother Uchtdorf but instead they always forget Brother Eyring.
And them know who the Prophet Thomas S. Monson is as well.

So as we were listening today Cohen (our 3 year old) was coloring a picture and was in his own little world so I thought. He looked up and me and then the TV and asked who was speaking and I told him the persons name and told him what calling they held and he said oh. A few speakers later he asked again who was speaking and I answered him. He then said "Mom when is it Jesus Christ's turn?" I smiled and let him know that the Apostles and Prophets speak for Jesus, and that Jesus inspires them on what to say. Cohen then said "Well I better listen then!" he stopped coloring and sat quietly listening for a while.

I am so proud of him and the way his little mind works. I am so glad that I have a Father in Heaven that trust me enough to send me Cohen, Kaelyn and Jordan. So I can teach the the proper princaples to keep them on the straight and narrow. I pary that I will always have the paticence to raise them the rest of the way.

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

Let me say this one more time...that child can come play at my house any time! :) Too sweet. So glad you recorded this!