Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who's Affraid of The Big Bad Wolf?

After preschool I arranged for Cohen, Kaelyn and Jordan to stay with my friend Jen's house while Lance and I attended a funeral for a good friend of mine. Cohen ended up at my friend Lisa's house for some "boy time". You see I have 2 girls and 1 boy, Jen has a girl and a boy, Lisa has a girl and a boy, Lisa was babysitting a girl and a boy. So if you added right the boys were out numbered. So Lisa took all the boys home and Jen kept the girls. When I went to Lisa's to pick up Cohen she told me this story:
The Boy decided to watch a movie. The Three Little Pig was picked. When the big bad wolf Had made his entrance Cohen said..."Sister Love I don't like the big bad wolf."
Lisa said: "Yeah we don't let the big bad wolf into our house"
Cohen said: "We don't either, and if we read our scriptures the big bad wolf can't get in our house."
Lisa said: "That is right Cohen."

I was so happy to hear that he thought of this one his own. Cohen we love you very much and are glad that you are in our family.

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

He definitely is a cutie! Bring him over any time.