Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thanks A Bunch

Now I know Lance hasn't been gone very long but just because he is gone doesn't mean I have been alone. In fact Saturday night a few friends came over and hung out with me. We talked laughed and watched a really dumb movie. Then on Sunday Melissa came over and we cleaned the kitchen hung out, talked and made dinner together. Monday Jessica's kids came over while she has a Dr. appointment and when she got back she brought me lunch and we sat and chatted for a while. Tuesday Kaelyn and Cohen had pre school and while they were gone Talana and Miriam came over to visit with me and too see how I was doing. After they left I met up at the park with Lisa, Jen and Melanie we talked and laughed while the kids played. After that I had planed to go get groceries and take the kids with me. Lisa let me drop them off at her house and I got my shopping done ALONE!! I haven't done that in a while. Thanks Lisa. Wednesday the kids and I walking to the park to meet up with Jen, Lisa and Melanie again. Thursday The kids have pre school again and I plan on getting some laundry done. Also Thursday night is GNO (girls night out) at a friends house and Grandma Kerestes is coming over to watch the kids. Friday I don't have anything planed as of yet. But I want to thank everyone who has helped me out either by coming over, taking my kids for a while or helping me clean my house these past few days. It has meant so much to me. I feel I am really loved and watched over by my Heavenly Father. I think I have the best friends in the whole word.

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

Carolyn, you would do the same for us. :)