Monday, November 15, 2010

Cohen's Thought of the Day

Call me crazy but I took Jordan and Cohen with me to my eye appointment. They were really good and I made sure that I brought coloring books and The Friend along to read. (The Friend is a magazine our church put together for kids 3 to 12 years old) As we were sitting in the waiting room Cohen wanted to know what they were going to do to my eyes. I let him know that they were going to look at them and make sure I had the right kind of glasses. Cohen doesn’t do much talking when Kaelyn is around so when she is at school I try to have as many conversations with him as he will allow. While waiting this is what we talked about:

Me: Cohen when you grow up do you think you will wear glasses?
Cohen: Um no! (With attitude) I am not going to grow up I am going to stay 5 forever!
Me: But Cohen you are not 5 yet
Cohen: I know…but when I turn 5 I will stay 5 forever.
Me: ok if you want to.

The doctor then called us in. He is a member of our ward and the kids know him so they were comfortable talking to me in front of him. We chatted and he (the Dr) mentioned how fast they are growing.

I told me what Cohen had said in the waiting room. He chuckled and said Good answer moms never what their kids to grow up. Cohen responded like this.

And I am not getting older than 5 and then my hair wont grow and I will never have to get it cut again.

The Dr and I couldn’t help but laugh. I love the way Cohen’s little mind works.

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

What a funny boy! I just love the ideas our kids get into their heads. Ben and I actually argued a couple of days ago because he insists he is 5 not 3. I finally just said, "okay, you're 5".