Monday, December 14, 2009


I know it has been a while since I last posted. It has been a crazy time for the Kerestes Korner. Kaelyn brought home a nasty cough from who knows where. I got it then Lance got it, and then Jordan got it. Then Friday I left Cohen and Jordan with Lance while I took Kaelyn to Tumbling class. As I walked in the door from the garage I found both Jordan and Cohen in just their underwear and diaper and Lance no where in sight. Jordan waved at me as if nothing was wrong. Lance came around the corner with a hand full of laundry and informed me that they both threw up while I was gone. I thought great we just got over the coughs now this. Saturday morning I took a trip to The Mesa Temple with our youth. I felt bad leaving Lance with 2 sick kids but I had already committed to go. when I got home Lance informed me that Cohen now has been running a fever and Jordan only threw up once. Sunday Kaelyn and I went to church and Lance stayed home with Cohen and Jordan. Jordan wasn't sick any more but I had to teach a lesson so we decided it would be better if he just kept Jordan home with him. When Kaelyn and I returned from church Lance was fealling sick and Cohen still had a fever. By the end of the night I got it. Monday morning the kids slept in until 8am and Lance woke up and decided he felt better so he left for work. Cohen woke up with a cough and Kaelyn threw up breakfast. Jordan also has a fever but it is because she is cutting a new tooth. I am hoping we are all feeling better tomorrow. Cross you fingers. Kaelyn and Cohen have their preschool Christmas party tomarrow and I am incharge of making cookies. Now that all 3 kids are asleep I am hoping I can get them all baked and ready to go for tomarrow. I will be sure to take pictures of the party.

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

Man, I feel bad for you guys. If you need me to make the cookies, let me know.