Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jordan Assumes

So I normally do Laundry on the weekends because it is cheaper on my wallet. But there are weekends I don’t get around to it because I am so preoccupied with something else. So instead I try to get a few loads done before 9 am. One particular morning I got up and took the sheets off my bed and proceed to the laundry room so I could start a load or two. Jordan is an early riser so she was up and fallowed me. I could tell she was a little confused at why we were doing laundry so early. I asked her if she wanted to help and she perked right up. As I was putting the sheets in, she looked up at me and said…”Daddy Peed?” I laughed and said no Daddy didn’t pee the bed. It is really sad when your kids think the only reason you wash the sheets is if someone peed the bed. I am just glad she blamed it on Lance and not me!

1 comment:

Lisa Love said...

LOL! I'm about ready to pee from laughing so hard! Priceless.