Monday, March 22, 2010

Daddy Is far away

On Saturday Lance left for a Country called Qatar (Kuh-tar). He will be there for a week doing some training and observing. Imagine me trying to explain this to my 3 kids. As we drove home from the airport I told them that Daddy would be in Qatar for a week and before I could finish my sentence Cohen piped and said "Daddy is going to play in a band"? I smiled (trying not to laugh) and said "No son he is going to a Country called Qatar not Guitar"
You see Cohen has a hard time pronouncing some words. He sometimes forgets to say the first letter of the word or replaces it with a different letter. Take the word Guitar for instance. Cohen calls a guitar a kuhtar. So when I told Cohen that Daddy was going to "Qatar" he heard "kuh-tar" and thought Lance was going to play a guitar in a band. I love how his little minds work.
I look forward to him coming home and seeing all the pictures he took and hearing about the experiences that he had.
Since Lance started traveling, he has been to many different places. Washington D.C., Oxnard California (near Venture Ca on the Ocean), New Jersey, New York and now Qatar.
Wish me luck while I am alone with all 3 of my adorable kids!

1 comment:

David and Jana said...

You're going to be just fine! It must be hard to have him gone for a whole week, but You know he loves you and the kids do, too. What a great time to have fun and do special things!